Geagte Lede
Hiermee terugvoering van die laaste NERA
Raadsvergadering gehou op 3 November 2012.
Die volgende nuwe Raadslede is verkies:
President: Kallie Grunschloss
Vise President: Rudolf Oosthuizen
FEI Verteenwoordiger: Shanie Fourie
Lidmaatskapfooie vir 2013 beloop N$1200.00 per
Hierdie fooi moet aan klubs oorbetaal word en nie aan NERA nie.
Lede mag fooie in 3 paaiemente oorbetaal.
Finale datum vir betaling van
klubfooie is einde Maart 2013.
FEI fooie vir 2013 is N$200 per perd en N$200 per
ruiter betaalbaar aan NERA.
Ritfooie beloop N$300.00 per rit.
CEI* - N$750.00
CEI** - N$1000.00
CEI***/Walvis Bay - N$1300.00
Vanaf Januarie moet alle perde wat aan FEI
ritte wil deelneem "gemicro-chip" word. Verdere inligting sal
na klubs deurgegee word.
The following decisions were taken at the last NERA
New Council members that have been elected:
President - Kallie Grunschloss
Vise President - Rudolf Oosthuizen
FEI liaison officer - Shanie Fourie
Membership fees for 2013 - N$1200.00. This is
payable in 3 installments of which the last payment should be at the
end of March 2013.
Membership fees should be paid into the club
accounts and not to NERA directly.
FEI fees 2013 - N$200 per horse and N$200 per rider
over 18 years of age.
Ride fees - N$300.00 per ride
From January all horses participating in FEI rides
have to be micro chipped. Further information regarding this
will be forwarded.
Annette Hanekom
Secretary Namibia Endurance
Geagte Lede
Die volgende besluite is op die Raadsvergadering van 5 November 2011
Spanbestuurders vir 2012 is as volg:
Swaargewig - Jannie Wiese
Senior Standaard - Judie Wiese
Gewig - Shanie Bosch
Jongruiter - Annette Hanekom
Die Southern Africa FEI Challenge vind op 18/05/2012 te Winburg
Oefengroepe sal reeds op 4 Februarie 2012 te Okahandja aangewys
Fooie vir 2012
Lidmaatskap - N$800.00 betaalbaar voor einde Februarie 2012
Ritfooi - N$300.00
Bippie - N$150.00
FEI ruiter - N$200.00
FEI perd - N$200.00
CEI* rit - N$750.00
CEI** rit - N$1000.00
CEI*** rit - N$1500.00
The following decisions were taken at the Council Meeting held at
Okahandja on 5 November 2011
National Team Managers for 2012 are as follows:
Heavy weight team - Jannie Wiese
Senior Standard team - Judie
No Weight team - Shanie Bosch
Young Rider team - Annette
The Southern Africa FEI Challenge will take place at Winburg SA on
Teams will be selected on 4 February 2012 at Okahandja
Fees for 2012
Membership Fees - N$800.00 payable before end of February 2012
Permanent nos - N$150.00
Club rides - N$300.00
registration horse - N$200.00
FEI registration rider - N$200.00
CEI* ride - N$750.00
CEI** ride - N$1000.00
CEI*** ride -
Geagte Lede
Hiermee die besluit soos geneem op ons AJV
rakende 30km ritte.
- Geen boekie is nodig vir 30km nie - op
- Geen spuite is nodig vir 30km nie - op
- Geen identifikasie is nodig vir 30km
nie- op klubritte
- Ruiter kan klubritte ry sonder
- Indien perd op 'n FEI rit wil deelneem
moet hy aan al die vereistes van 'n FEI rit voldoen.
- Novice perd sonder boekie ry teen 16 km
per uur
- Indien perd/ruiter reeds gekwalifiseer
het kan hy teen enige spoed ry.
The following decision was taken at our AGM
regarding 30km rides
- No horse passport is necessary to ride
a 30
- No injections have to be done
- No identification of the horse
- The rider can ride without being a
member of a club
- If a rider wants to compete at an FEI
ride he has to adhere to all the rules of the FEI
- A novice horse competing without a
horse passport will adhere to the 16kmph rule
- Should a horse/rider be finished with
the novice qualification they can ride at any speed.
Secretary Namibia Endurance
Geagte Lede
Daar sal hierdie jaar 'n toekenning gemaak word op Walvisbaai vir
ruiters wat alreeds 10 keer Walvisbaai suksesvol voltooi het.
Indien jy in aanmerking wil kom vir hierdie toekenning moet die
nodige bewys na my gestuur word. Hierdie bewys kan 'n afskif
van sertifikate of die ruiterboekie wees.
Die Raad het op ons onlangse vergadering besluit om die 30km kwessie
na die AJV te verwys vir verdere bespreking deur die lede.
There was decided by Council to award riders who have completed more
than 10 Walvis Bay rides. To receive such an award please
forward proof the rides - which can be either copies of the
certificates or a copy of your rider book.
Council has also decided to refer the 30km rides as a point of
discussion to the AGM at Walvis Bay.
Annette Hanekom
Secretary Namibia Endurance
The following points were discussed at the NERA Coucil
Meeting of 11/5/2011.
30km Riders should have proof of a horse sickness vaccination
when participating. This can be given by the owner himself but
proof needs to be given that the horse was injected. This rule
has been implemented due to the high incidence of
Horse sickness in Namibia.
An invitational team will be sent to Fauresmith. Jan Fourie
will be the team manager.
Entry fees will be sponsored by SA.
The Katjapia ride of 28 May has been cancelled due to horse sickness
No 30km rides will be allowed at * and ** CEI rides.
The Junior World Championship will take place in Abu Dhabi in
December. Riders
interested should contact Annette.
The following decisions were taken at the AGM
in Walvis Bay
The Financial Statements of NERA will be mailed to all members after
being approved by
It was decided that each OC of a ride can decide whether they want
to give a discount to
riders who enter more than 4 horses for a ride.
Clubs should adhere to the colors of the loops as they have always
Team members riding for the National Team will be informed before
the start of
competition whether they are in the team of the day or not.
In principle it was decided that the Walvis Bay ride will stay in
Walvis Bay and not
move to Swakopmund.
The 2 x 30km rides will remain. For any ride shorter than 40km
a rider does not have to
be a member of a club, no vaccinations are required for the horse
and no books are
required. The rider will however pay the entry fee of the day
and adhere to the rules of
NERA. This is done to make the sport more accessible for new
The problem with vaccinations that have to be
done by a veterinarian will be taken up with the Veterinary Council
of Namibia, by Mike to verify whether a medical practitioner may
sign off the vaccination.
NERA has been invited to send teams to
Fauresmith 2011. Council will take a decision
Regarding this at the beginning of 2011. It was pointed out
that the most important rides
For NERA is the Alma and Walvis Bay rides next year.
Council will consider either a club
Team or NERA team for Fauresmith. A memo regarding this will
be sent out by Annette.
- The committee appointed during 2009 to complete the Constitution
changes to NERA's
Constitution will finish this during 2011.
The 16kmph Novice rides where once again discussed. It was
decided by council that
a Novice horse/rider exceeding the speed of 16kmph will be
eliminated and not receive a
position on the day of the ride and also not receive the kilometers
in his/her book. Riders
are once again cautioned that the Novice ride was introduced by the
FEI to protect the
Welfare of the horse. OC's are requested to supervise this at club
Every rider in NERA will buy a rider number which will be used at
all rides during the year.
A bip with number will be sold by Annette. A memo will be sent
out regarding this.
Team Managers were appointed by Council for the National Teams
competing next year.
Heavy Weight Manager - Jannie Wiese
Senior Standard Team Manager - Rina Kriel
Young Rider Team Manager - Annette Hanekom
Membership fees were approved by Council. There will be no
N$600 - NERA Membership fee
N$200.00 - Club ride Fee
N$150.00 - FEI
Fee per Rider/Horse